Logo Fest 2020



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Theme: the competition of the XI Festival «Chekhov's Autumn-2020»

Text of the letter: Leon Sorenti (Paris, France)

Please accept the Application for participation in the contest XI of the International literary festival «Chekhov's Autumn-2020» - online.

I have read and agree to the terms of the Festival.


The application and photo (Annex № 1), contest works (Annex №2) are attached in the attached files.



Annex №1


to participate in the XI international literary Festival  

«Chekhov's Autumn-2020» online



Annex №2

Competitive works by the author

The XI International literary Festival "Chekhov's Autumn-2020" online

Works by authors have to correspond to the following criteria:

- the Applications direction in the established form (RUSSIAN, ENGLISH).

- the direction of handiwork in RUSSIAN (the ENGLISH OR NATIVE LANGUAGE with the indication of LANGUAGE) in a video audio-format (to use video the H.264 codec and audio the AAC codec).

- the direction in a video format - 3gp. Duration of video audio-record - no more than 5 (five) minutes.

- the direction of handiwork in a printing format is doc.

- the volume of poetic works has to be no more than 60 lines in a printing format -doc.

- the participant (after competitive selection by judges) has the right to act in one Competition no more than 5 (five) minutes.

- texts of competitive literary works in prose and verses need to be provided in the Organizing committee in one copy, the MS Word format, the Times New Roman font, font size - 12, a one-and-a-half gap.

- pages of printing handiwork have to be numbered.

- the author brings the name, the place of residence, the e-mail address in a header line of each page.

The contestant, the author can send the friendly message to the Organizing committee, the International jury, participants of the Festival to video (audio) a format (to use video the H.264 codec and audio the AAC codec), in the e-mail, in the registered mail through Russian Post. The majority of the sent video and audio-files will be posted in social networks.

At the Competition only those handiworks which correspond to criteria of this Competition can be considered. Representation of handiworks under pseudonyms is allowed. In the Application it is necessary to enter a real name of the author which will not be published.

Use as a pseudonym of names of real-life persons is not allowed.

At Competitions are accepted both new works, and already published earlier in other editions or in INTERNET.

On the Competition works in which content there is political, religious and other propaganda, appeals to national discord, offensive language are not accepted. The works violating author's rights are also not allowed to participation in the Competition.


A form of electronic mail to the organizing Committee

Аpplication No.1

Requirements for the author's work No.2